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SHOW CHEER –NOVICE Division Limitations

  • TUMBLING & Standing tumbling: limited in difficulty to a single standing back handspring. Jump/handspring combinations and series handsprings are not allowed.  For example, standing tucks and/or aerials are not allowed.

  • Standing tumbling is defined as any tumbling skill not originating from a cartwheel or round-off. 

  • Running tumbling: limited in difficulty to front and/or back handspring series. Skills including, but not limited to, the following are not permitted: flips (tucks), aerials, punch fronts, etc.

  • Running tumbling is defined as tumbling that involves a forward step or a hurdle used to gain momentum as an entry to a tumbling skill.

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 1. Extended stunts are limited to both feet in the base(s) hands at all times. Both of the top person’s feet must be held throughout the entire transition to/from the extended position. Exception: Straight bump-down dismounts are allowed as part of a pyramid dismount.

 2. Single leg stunts may not be held or pass through an extended position.

 3. Twisting stunt transitions are limited to a ½ twist. Exception: A single full twisting log/barrel roll is allowed as long as it starts and ends in a cradle position, does not involve any skill other than the twist, and is not assisted by and/or connected to another top person.

4. All release moves must land in a cradle.

5. The only stunt inversions allowed are: a. Transitions from ground level inversions up to non-inverted positions. Example: Going from a handstand on the ground to a non-inverted stunt such as a shoulder sit is allowed. b. Suspended forward rolls where two people on the performing surface control the top person in a suspended forward roll with continuous hand-to-hand contact to a stunt, two person cradle, loading position, or the performing surface. If caught in a cradle, load, or stunt, the new catchers must be in place and may not be involved in any other skill when the suspended forward roll is initiated. During the roll, the feet of the top person must be released. c. Dismounts to the performing surface from waist level stunts. Example: Waist level prone to forward roll dismount or cradle position to back walkover dismount.



1. All single leg extended stunts must be braced by two top persons at prep level or lower. The braced connection must be established at prep level or lower before the stunt passes into the extended level, and constant contact between the top person and the bracers must be maintained while the top person is on one leg above prep level.

2. Any time a top person is released by bases during a pyramid transition, the top person must be braced by two top persons at prep level or below with hand-arm connection only and constant contact between the top person and the bracers must be maintained throughout the transition.

3. Twisting pyramid transitions are limited to a ½ twist.

4. Pyramid inversions are not allowed. DISMOUNTS “Dismount” is defined as the movement of a top person from a stunt and/or pyramid to a cradle position or to the performing surface.

• Only straight pop downs/bump downs, basic straight cradles, ¼ turn dismounts, and dismounts from waist level inversions are allowed. All other dismounts are prohibited.

TOSSES The only body position allowed is a straight ride.




TUMBLING Standing Tumbling: limited in difficulty to a standing back handspring series and/or jump/handspring(s) combination. Tucks and/or aerials are not allowed.  For example, a standing back tuck or standing back handspring back tuck is not allowed.

  • Standing tumbling is defined as any tumbling skill not originating from a cartwheel or round-off. 

  • Running Tumbling: limited in difficulty to tucks. Round off back tucks and round off back handspring back tucks are examples of skills that are allowed.  Aerial cartwheels are also allowed.  Punch fronts are not allowed.  Cartwheel tucks, cartwheel tucked flips and/or cartwheel back handspring(s) tucks are not allowed.  The following types of advanced running tumbling skills are prohibited:  X-outs, layouts, full twists, etc. No tumbling is allowed after a tuck (flip) or aerial skill.

  • Running tumbling is defined as tumbling that involves a forward step or a hurdle used to gain momentum as an entry to a tumbling skill.


STUNTS Extended single leg stunts are allowed. Only a ½ twist is allowed to any extended single leg stunt. All other twisting transitions may not exceed 1 twisting transition. Stunt release moves must start at or below prep level and must be caught at prep level or below. Release moves may not pass above the base’s/bases’ extended arm level.


PYRAMIDS All pyramid twisting transitions must follow all dismount and stunt twisting transition rules. Pyramid inversions: A braced forward or backward flip is allowed while adhering to the “USA Cheer/AACCA School Cheer Safety Rules” rules on braced flips; however, two bracers are required, no twisting is allowed, and the flip must end in a cradle dismount or cradle transition position. Extended single leg stunts may not be braced by other extended single leg stunts.


DISMOUNTS “Dismount” is defined as the movement of a top person from a stunt and/or pyramid to a cradle position or to the performing surface. Single leg extended stunts (liberty, heel stretch, arabesque, scorpion, etc.) are only allowed up to ¼ twist.  Up to 1 twist is allowed from a platform position. Up to 1¼ twists are allowed from any two leg stunts.


TOSSES Limited to one trick only during a toss (i.e. one toe touch). Examples of skills not allowed: A kick followed by a twist, or a ball to an X.



Non-Tumbling Novice teams will follow the 2022-2023 USA Novice Division Limitations for Stunts, Pyramids, Dismounts, and Tosses.  The following tumbling skill restrictions apply to the Non-Tumbling division.


STANDING/RUNNING TUMBLING This division prohibits all standing and/or running tumbling. This includes forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, round offs, handsprings, tucks (flips), etc. Skills connected and/or within stunts are allowed. Example: Braced forward ¾ suspended roll dismount is allowed.



Non-Tumbling Advanced teams will follow the “2022-2023 USA Cheer/AACCA School Cheer Safety Rules” with additional tumbling skill restrictions for the division.


STANDING/RUNNING TUMBLING This division prohibits all standing and/or running tumbling. This includes forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, round offs, handsprings, tucks (flips), etc. Skills connected and/or within stunts are allowed. Example: Braced forward ¾ suspended roll dismount is allowed.



Limitations Advanced teams will follow the “2022-2023 USA Cheer/AACCA School Cheer Safety Rules” with no additional skill restrictions for the division.



This category combines 3 divisions into one performance.

Teams will perform the following routines in the below order to fulfill the “All-In-One” category:

‒Fight Song

‒Spirit Raising Category

‒Performance Routine

Time limitations: 3:00 minute time limit to complete all elements. Timing will begin with the first organized movement, voice or note of music, whichever comes first.  Timing will end with the last beat of music or organized movement.

A team may begin on or off the performance floor for the start of the Fight Song. They must remain on the performance floor for the start of the Band Chant and Performance Routine.

Each routine will have a beginning and an end. Teams are encouraged to show spirit to the crowd between each routine.

The use of poms is required for all female members during the Fight Song and Band Chant. For the Performance Routine, the use of poms is permitted, but not required.

Props and/or costuming are not permitted.

This division is exactly like the requirements from Varsity Game All-in-One Division.

* Duel in the Desert will allow higher level skills in Game Day division as part of the Advanced level (i.e tumbling). Otherwise traditional Game Day guidelines will be followed.


Teams competing in Dance/Pom Novice, must follow the below technical skill limitations:


1. Turns are limited to: Chaine turns, single pique (one rotation) and single pirouette turn (one rotation).  a) Single pirouette turns may be executed in passé, coupe, pencil and attitude positions. b) Turn sequences such as consecutive fouette turns and/or second turns are not permitted.  c) Axels are not permitted. 

2. Leaps are limited to a basic split leap with a step or chasse as the prep.  The basic split leap is also referred to as a forward/front leap, jete or saut de chat.  A basic stag leap with a step or chasse as the prep is also permitted.  Leaps must follow the below limitations: a) The preparation for the leap must be a step or chasse. (Clarification: A chaine turn    directly into the leap is not permitted). b) The leap is executed in the same direction as the prep/approach. (Clarification: no     changing direction of the body) c) The legs may be straight or in attitude position.

3.  Jumps (except a turning C jump), Leg hold (with no rotations), kicks, kicklines and illusions are permitted.

4.  The following skills are not permitted: Multiple turns (with the exception of the permitted turns), second leap (leaps in 2nd position), surprise leap, calypso leap, reverse leap, tour jete, turning C jump, switch/scissor leaps, leg hold turns and axels.

Please Note: For technical skills or combination of skills that are not specifically addressed in the “Novice” limitations, CFC has the discretion to determine the level of difficulty of that skill based on the similarity of other skills for that particular division.



1. In addition to the skills permitted at the Novice level, the following skills will be permitted at the Intermediate level: double pirouettes (two rotations), single leg hold turn (one rotation), axels, tour jete, second leap (leap in 2nd position), surprise leap, calypso leap, reverse leap and one eight count of fouette turns/second turns (see #2 below).

 a) Single and double pirouette turns may be executed in passé, coupe, pencil and attitude positions. 

b) A single or double pirouette, plie, into a single or double pirouette turn is permitted but the plie must be clear or it may be considered a pirouette with more than 2 rotations.

c) Switch leaps/Scissor leaps are not permitted. 

2.     Turn sequences must meet the following criteria:

a) You are permitted to do a maximum of TWO separate turn sequences in your routine, which can be performed by one or more team members.  Turn sequences may not be performed consecutively.

i. Pirouettes that are performed separately from fouette turns and second turns are not considered turn sequences.

ii. Traveling turns (i.e. chaine turns, pique turns) are not considered turn sequences.

b)     Turn sequences are limited to fouette turns, second turns and pirouettes only.  No other skills besides these turns are permitted within a turn sequence. No other skills can be connected and/or executed immediately out of the last turn before ending the turn sequence.

i. Single and double pirouette turns within the sequence may be in passé, coupe, pencil, and attitude positions.  Clarification: Touching/holding the working leg during the turn sequence is not permitted.

ii. Spot direction must remain consistent throughout the entire turn sequence.

iii. Floats may be performed only as part of a turn sequence and are limited to a double (two rotations).

c)    Each turn sequence is limited to one eight count of turning (not counting the prep or ending/completion of the turn sequence). 

i. When a turn sequence starts with a fouette turn or second turn, the eight count will begin when the working leg opens to second position.  When a turn sequence begins with a pirouette turn, the eight count begins immediately. 

ii. The completion of the turn sequence must occur after one eight count (or in other words, “count 9.”) For example – A turn sequence begins with a second turn and the working leg opens to 2nd position on count “1” the landing/completion of the sequence must finish on the following count”1”.

iii. Dancer(s) must come to a complete stop with the body in an upright position (chest up) with both feet on the performance surface before executing another skill/move. 

3. Fouette turns, second turns and floats may be performed only as a part of a turn sequence (See above intermediate #2b).

4. The following advanced dance technique skills will not be permitted at the Intermediate level (i.e. switch/scissor leaps, double leg hold turns or more, triple pirouettes or more, turn sequences that are longer than one eight count, 3 or more turn sequences in a routine).

Please Note: For technical skills or combination of skills that are not specifically addressed in the “Intermediate” limitations, CFC has the discretion to determine the level of difficulty of that skill based on the similarity of other skills for that particular division.



There are no technical skill limitations for this division except for those noted in the “2022-2023 USA Song/Pom/Song-Jazz and Pep/Short Flag Safety Rules for School/Youth (Rec) Teams.”



High School Time Limits

  • All Pom, Cheer and Dance Teams: 3:00 max time limit

  • Open Division 3:00

  • All Stunt Groups: 1:00 max time limit

© 2023 By Wight Noise Dance Company. Proudly created by

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